Agent Info:
Name : Jeanefer Clarito
License ID : 0E61920
Phone : (949) 791-1300
Email : [email protected]
Address : 2072 Orchard Dr A, Newport Beach, California, 92660

Artisan Contractor Liability

  • Applicant
  • Business
  • Coverage
  • Prior Carrier
  • Miscellaneous
  • Finish


First Name *
Last Name *

Where should we send your quote?

Email *
Phone *

Please fill all the mandatory questions.


Business Info

Business /​ Company Name *
Founding Date *
DBA (If Applicable)
FEIN (If Applicable)
Organization Type
Business Address
Address *
City *
State *
Zipcode *


Type of Business *
Specify business *
Number of Years in the Business
Business Status *
Specify Business Status *
Annual Payroll *
Annual Revenue *
Full-Time Employees
Part-Time Employees
Description of Business

Please fill all the mandatory questions.


Coverage Status

Proposed Effective Date
Contractor License *

Projected Gross Receipts

For the next 12 Months *

Annual gross receipt ( Past 3 Years)


Employees and Partners

Number of Owners /​ Partners *
Number of Full Time Employees *
Number of Part Time Employees *
Total Employee on Payroll *

(No owner, clerical or sales)

Sub-contracting Costs

Percentage of Work

Residential *
Industrial *
Commercial *
Construction Type
New Construction *
Remodel /​ Additions *
Service /​ Repair *
Non-Structural Remodel *

Current / Planned Jobs

Please fill in as much as you can

Description of the Largest Current/​Planned job
Value Of The Largest Current/​Planned Job
Description of the Largest Current/​Planned job in the last 3 years
Value Of The Largest Current/​Planned Job in the last 3 years

Additional Policies

Please fill all the mandatory questions.

Prior Carrier

Carrier 2021

Carrier Name *
Policy Number

Carrier 2020

Carrier Name *
Policy Number

Carrier 2019

Carrier Name *
Policy Number

Carrier 2018

Carrier Name *
Policy Number

Please fill all the mandatory questions.


Please fill all the mandatory questions.

Your details has been submitted successfully.