IMT Insurance

Company info

Lines Of Insurance

Commercial, Vehicle, Home


Homeowners, Renters, Condo, ....
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Representing States

South Dakota, Nebraska, Maine, ....
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Contact info

Email Address


Phone Number

(800) 274-3531

Claim Phone Number

(800) 274-3531

Billing Phone Number

(800) 274-3531

Company Address

7825 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, IA 50266

About Company

We’re celebrating 140 years! IMT is proud of our heritage and our roots, from our founding by a trusting farmer in Wadena, Iowa to our hundreds of employees in the Midwest (and beyond) today. Headquartered from our West Des Moines, Iowa home office, IMT has been a Midwest company since 1884.

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