Pekin Insurance

Pekin Insurance

Pekin Insurance

Company info

Lines Of Insurance

Health, Life, Commercial, ....
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Homeowners, Renters, Auto, ....
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Representing States

Wisconsin, Virginia, Utah, ....
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Contact info

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(800) 322-0160

Claim Phone Number

(888) 735-4611

Billing Phone Number

(800) 322-0160

Company Address

2505 Court Street, Pekin, Illinois, 61554

Company locations

  • Address

    120 N Parkway Dr, Pekin, IL 61554

  • Phone

    (800) 322-0160

  • Email Address


About Company

You have plenty of time to think when you plow fields and milk cows all day. In 1921, a group of Central Illinois farmers harvested a big idea to offer affordable, reliable auto coverage. This seed grew into a successful insurance carrier known as Pekin Insurance. Times change, but our mission hasn’t. Pekin Insurance goes Beyond the expected ® to offer financial protection for cars, homes, lives, and businesses in 22 states. We serve policyholders, agents, and communities through the best and the worst. Whether you’re in a tiny town or a big city, we’re here for you.

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