Peninsula Insurance Company

Peninsula Insurance Company

Peninsula Insurance Company

Company info

Lines Of Insurance

Home, Vehicle, Commercial


Homeowners, Auto, Dwelling Fire, ....
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Representing States

Florida, Pennsylvania

Contact info

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(888) 640-5840

Claim Phone Number

(800) 877-9006

Payment Link


Billing Phone Number

(800) 877-0600

Company Address

Donegal Insurance Group PO Box 1220 Canonsburg, PA 15317

About Company

On behalf of Donegal Insurance Group, I’m pleased to welcome you to our website and thank you for your interest in our company. For more than 130 years, Donegal has been steadfast and unwavering in our commitment to meeting the comprehensive property and casualty insurance needs of the communities in which we operate. Through custom-tailored insurance products, we’re proud to support our policyholders through life’s celebrations, its challenges and everything in between.

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