Penn National Insurance

Penn National Insurance

Penn National Insurance

Company info

Lines Of Insurance

Commercial, Vehicle, Home


Renters, Condo, Auto, ....
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Contact info

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(800) 766-2245

Claim Phone Number

(800) 766-2245

Billing Phone Number

(800) 766-2245

Company Address

2 South 2nd Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17101

About Company

We were founded in 1919 by a farmers’ trade organization, to help the farmers get more affordable workers’ compensation protection for their workers who operated steam-driven farming equipment. As the U.S. economy moved from agricultural to industrial, we changed, too, and expanded into offering insurance protection for sawmills, coal mines, and various manufacturing and industrial businesses. As cars became more common, we started to insure them. As the population grew and families moved from cities to suburbs, we were there to insure their homes.

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