Quincy Mutual Insurance Group

Quincy Mutual Insurance Group

Quincy Mutual Insurance Group

Company info

Lines Of Insurance

Commercial, Vehicle, Home


Homeowners, Renters, Condo, ....
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Representing States

Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, ....
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Contact info

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(800) 899-1116

Claim Phone Number

(800) 490-0047

Billing Phone Number

(800) 899-1116

Company Address

57 Washington St. Quincy, MA 02169

Company locations

  • Address

    57 Washington St. Quincy, MA 02169

  • Phone

    (800) 899-1116

  • Email Address

    [email protected]

  • Address

    Patrons Oxford Insurance Company, 97 Technology Park Drive, Portland, ME 04102, USA

  • Phone

    (800) 442-6071

  • Email Address

    [email protected]

About Company

As one of the country's oldest and most respected insurance companies, we're pleased to provide you with information about our company and the products and services we offer. Contact one of our more than 500 independent insurance agents to learn how you can achieve peace of mind by protecting yourself, your home, auto, or business with a Quincy Mutual policy tailored to your needs.

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