
Company info

Lines Of Insurance

Commercial, Vehicle, Home


Homeowners, Auto, Commercial Property, ....
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Representing States

Utah, Tennessee, New Mexico, ....
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Contact info

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(866) 426-8842

Claim Phone Number

(866) 426-8842

Billing Phone Number

(866) 426-8842

Company Address

10365 Hood Road, Suite 209, Jacksonville, Florida 32257

Company locations

  • Address

    7400 N. Caldwell, Niles, IL 60714

  • Phone

    (773) 299-7500

  • Email Address


  • Address

    10365 Hood Road, Suite 209, Jacksonville, Florida 32257

  • Phone

    (866) 426-8842

  • Email Address

    [email protected]

About Company

Unique Insurance is part of the Producer’s National Corporation family of companies. Unique Insurance was founded over 25 years ago originally offering only personal automobile insurance exclusively in our home state of Illinois. We have since expanded our available products to include personal automobile coverage, light commercial automobile coverage, and manufactured home coverage.

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