
Share Your Quote Forms with Ease on IANearMe!

We are excited to announce a new feature on IANearMe that simplifies the way agents can share their quote forms with potential clients. With just a click, you can now easily share your customized quote forms via email and other communication channels.

How It Works

Sharing your quote forms has never been easier. Here's a quick guide on how to use this new feature:

  1. Access Your Quote Form: Navigate to your profile on IANearMe and locate the quote form you wish to share.

  2. Click 'Share the Form': Simply click on the 'Share the Form' button. This action will automatically copy the URL of the quote form to your clipboard.

  3. Share the URL: Paste the copied URL into your email, social media, or any other communication platform to share it with potential clients. For added convenience, you can also include the link in your email signature, allowing clients to easily access the form and request quotes directly.

This new feature allows you to quickly and efficiently reach out to clients, making it easier for them to request quotes and engage with your services.

The new 'Share Form with Client' feature on IANearMe is designed to streamline the process of sharing quote forms, making it more convenient for agents to connect with potential clients. By simplifying this task, you can save time and focus on what you do best—providing excellent service and support to your clients.

Ready to take advantage of this new feature? Log in to your IANearMe profile today and start sharing your quote forms effortlessly. Enhance your client engagement and watch your business grow with IANearMe!

Not registered yet? Sign up on IANearMe and experience the benefits of our comprehensive platform for insurance agents.


1. How do I ensure my quote forms are up-to-date? Regularly review and update the information on your quote forms to ensure accuracy. You can easily edit your quote forms through your IANearMe profile to reflect any changes in services, pricing, or policies.

2. Can clients fill out the quote forms online? Yes, clients can fill out the quote forms online by accessing the shared URL. This allows them to provide necessary information quickly and conveniently, making the quoting process smoother for both parties.

3. Is there a way to customize the quote form URL? Currently, the URL generated for your quote form is standardized. However, you can personalize the content and layout of the quote forms themselves to better match your agency's branding and messaging.